Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Reality

I was moved while reading an article about Bill Cosby and the backlash against him and his message to the black community.

The author pointed out the hypocrisy of some in rejecting Cosby’s message based on allegations of impropriety, while accepting Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton’s message, in spite of Jessie’s admission of fathering a child by someone other than his wife, as well as other misdeeds. He further points out that while the mainstream media devotes substantial print to questioning Cosby’s ability to effectively promote his message in light of the allegations, it devotes little or no time to questioning the abilities of their “chosen spokesmen for the black community” to do the same. The motivation of the media is readily apparent, and therefore not the subject of this article. I would however, like to give a message to those trying to shed light on the hypocrisy, presumably in an effort to “win the hearts and minds” of those victimized by it.

Stop it!

There is an old [true] saying - “A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still”. At the heart of this saying is the fact that while we may chose to think of ourselves as logical beings, many of us make decisions based on emotion… and then look for logical reasons to support that decision. Often, they are non-existent. Cosby brings a message of self-responsibility, leadership, and action. While Sharpton/Jackson bring messages of finger pointing, victimization and helplessness. Your time would be much better spent in the pursuit of your goals and dreams, making you a shinning example for those who may later [of their own accord] chose to follow your example.

You can’t push a rope
You can’t kiss a girl who’s leaning away from you
You can’t climb a fence that’s leaning toward you,
And you can’t point out hypocrisy to someone who doesn’t want to see it!

This is the “Zoo Animals perspective!


  1. And that is the absolute truth. There is always a time to share, and a time to move on..."know when to fold 'em,...hold 'em...walk away...and know when to run".
    Zoo animals have been known to throw some foul things from their cages at gawkers. I think that might be there way of saying the same..."get on with your own life".

  2. Barbara, I like that point that zoo animals throw sometimes throw (foul) things from their cages....I may have to do something with that! :)
